President Elect MMA 2016-2017 Nominee
Malaysian Medical COUNCIL election: another 2 weeks to vote!
APHM looks forward to helping govt in vaccinating public: THE EDGE MARKETS Feb 16, 2021
Sustainable Health Policies Will Drive Public-Private Partnership In Health Care, Says Industry By Kanmani Batumalai, CODE BLUE | 19 February 2021
Experts back ‘Co-vid 19 Passport’ but want more info: STAR 22 February 2021
800 health frontliners at Pantai Hospital KL, KPJ Tawakkal get Covid-19 jab: TheVibes.Com
Satisfactory Progress with Private Hospital Vaccination
Blockchain technology offers ideal solution: March 25, 2021 NST
Private hospitals maxed out with Covid-19 patients By Veena Babulal – April 29, 2021 @ 8:18am
APHM: Ceiling prices for Covid-19 tests do not cover other fees related to testing
Hospital group calls for balanced execution of co-payment system
Tourists from China have returned to Malaysia. Now what?
Groups: GPs can help ease emergency dept case load