MMC Council 2019 Candidate


I am offering myself to be elected as a council member of the Malaysian Medical Council 2019.

My aims are to help to solidify the medical profession, further strengthen fair governance and better regulate the profession.

My main drive is to have our great profession gain a better footing in society with deeper acceptance and trust by the public.

In my view, it is essential that the entire medical profession has a seamless and simple, yet practical way of annual practice certification and registration of practices.

Finally, I would like to have disciplinary processes conducted in the fastest and most competent way, without delays. This will allow practitioners to have early decisions and outcomes.


I served the Ministry of Health, University Malaya and now I am in Private Practice in Prince Court Medical Centre in which I am the Medical Director and Consultant ENT Surgeon. I have now been in practice for about 24 years as an ENT Surgeon, including the time as a medical/house officer after completing undergraduate education at Kasturba Medical College [1995], Manipal and post graduate ENT medical education in University Malaya [2002].

My experience in the Malaysian Medical Association is about 20 years serving in various capacities. This included roles as Editor of BERITA MMA, Internal Auditor, National SCHOMOS Chairman, Wilayah State Chairman and finally Hon General Secretary in 2014.

I served extensively in the Malaysian Society of Oto Rhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgeons and as Presidentin 2006.

Currently, I am the President of the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia[APHM]

My wife Datin Dr Mansharan Kaur serves as Associate Professor in Radiology in University Technology MARA.