Expanding Medical Tourism In Malaysia

Presenting my views as President of the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia [APHM]


3 September 2018:  Most countries in Asia are now seriously looking at building a stable medical tourism hub. Malaysia has gained a great momentum in the past few years and we are projected to be scaled up further on the list as one of the top medical tourist destination.

The discussion on the way forward was heard at the InsigHT 2018, 2 day forum in Kuala Lumpur. This event was launched by the Deputy Minister of Finance: Datuk Ir Amiruddin Hamzah and the opening remarks was presented by Deputy Minister of Health: Dr Lee Boon Chye. Before the opening ceremony, the CEO of MHTC  Puan Sherene Azli presented the welcome speech which had all the facts and figures of our current status of medical tourism in the country. I represented the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia.

Datuk Kamarudin Meranun from Air Asia was also present at a MoU ceremony between MHTC and Air Asia which will further enhance the Indonesian medical tourist to our hospitals.